
MB Star C3 Supported Hard Disk

As we all know,MB Star C3 has been a very popular diagnostic instrument especially for Mercedes-Benz cars,it has a better performance, usually it will not happen to be poor connected or work stably during operation. Because of MB Star C3 good performance, an increasing number of customers select MB Star C3 be their professional diagnostic equipment for Mercedes Benz cars. Why MB Star C3 is so well-received by thousands of users, its technology and quality is developed after lots of experiments and improvement.
Mb Star C3 Pro Functions:
1.1989~up to now Car, Bus, Truck, Sprint, Smart ;
2. All electric system Diagnostic(Do not include flash code)
3. Reading trouble code
4. Erasing trouble code
5. Live-data
6. Adaptation
7. Component testing
8. Maintenance.
9. Information consultation
10. Component location diagram
11. Wiring diagram
There are three different laptop hdd for your option as following :
1:MB Star C3 with the 2015.07 software dell630 hard disk
  2: MB Star C3 with the 2015.07 software IBM T30 hard disk
3: MB Star C3 with the 2015.07 software Mobile externa hard disk
The advantages and disadvantages of the external hard and built-in hard disk
External disk: Advantage: After pulling down the computer broke down, and then check the other computer.
1.when downloading data, much slower speed, because have to play in the virtual machine.
2. removable hard disk easily damaged, when you move the computer, for example, if you pick up the computer, USB cable not plugged in to the computer, then damage will fall to the ground.
If you use a 2-3 times a year, to run on a virtual machine it is perfect.
Advantage of built-in disk: run much faster speed, free plug free fall, no damage.
If you use multiple times a year, it is recommended to use the built-in drive.

